BreakPoint 2003, Bingen, Germany

ahh... let's start the party from infodesc

Julian, Rcl, And the nature near the party place is very nice

And, Dennis(aka Mulder42) nice Bingen's landscape

And so, that is the party place with a big screen

Peoples near the fire place drink beer and so on...

ha... try find me and BHead there ;)

I have been awarded the breakthrough performance at the Scene.org Awards 2002

Scene.org party after the awarding ceremony

BHead, Phoenix, And, MindCandy DVD team

me and our friends from Poland

the party hall again

Steeler has told about blowing competition ;) I mean baloon blowing of course

me and Conspiracy team who won bp03 64k intro compo

yeah... let's start a demo competition

Chaos, Ryg, And so, me and gods from Farbrausch, if say it in two words ;)

the democompo has finished, it's time to look at realtime fire effect

I have some time to look at Bingen, it is very beautiful

It is time go home. It is always pity, but I should go to Russia
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